
  • Classify the emotion of any people in the image
  • Match emotions to emojis
  • Replaces faces in the image with emojis
  • Post the updated image to Slack as a reply

Uses techs are

  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Cognitive Services ( Face API )

How do you map an emotion to an emoji?

Euclidian distance


  • anger
  • contempt
  • disgust
  • fear
  • happiness
  • neutral
  • sadness
  • surprise

Making a POST call

specifically specify returnFaceAttributes=emotion, the payload in the POST call needs to be

{ "url": "<path to url>" }

You also need to specify a header, like so:

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <your-subscription-key>

The response looks like the following:

    "faceRectangle": {
      "top": 207,
      "left": 198,
      "width": 229,
      "height": 229
    "faceAttributes": {
      "emotion": {
        "anger": 0.001,
        "contempt": 0.014,
        "disgust": 0,
        "fear": 0,
        "happiness": 0.306,
        "neutral": 0.675,
        "sadness": 0.003,
        "surprise": 0.001

Essentially it's giving you two types of response back

  • where the face is in the image
  • what emotions where detected and how much of it on a sliding range of 0 to 1

The response is an array, one item for each detected face

Solution for mojifier

EmotivePoint class

class EmotivePoint, with the constructor looking like:

  }) {
    this.anger = anger;
    this.contempt = contempt;
    this.disgust = disgust;
    this.fear = fear;
    this.happiness = happiness;
    this.neutral = neutral;
    this.sadness = sadness;
    this.surprise = surprise;

There is also a distance() function in there:

distance(other) {
    let myPoint = this.toArray();
    let otherPoint = other.toArray();
    return distance(myPoint, otherPoint);

The internally called distance() comes from the following lib import * as distance from "euclidean-distance";

Face class

The important function here is chooseMoji() function:

// excerpt Faces.ts

chooseMoji(point) {
    let closestMoji = null;
    let closestDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    for (let moji of MOJIS) {
      let emoPoint = moji.emotiveValues;
      let distance = emoPoint.distance(point);
      if (distance < closestDistance) {
        closestMoji = moji;
        closestDistance = distance;
    return closestMoji;

It traverses a list of emojis and finds the emoji with the shortest distance to our point.

Face API registration

we can do this in the Sandbox for the LEARN Module or for real so we can use it in an app


Further reading

Mojifier LEARN module

results matching ""

    No results matching ""